I've encountered this frustrating behaviour quite a few times when supporting my clients. The most recent scenario was with a Dell laptop and a Brother label printer. Both the laptop and the printer were turned on. The Brother label printer was connected to the laptop directly using a USB cable, but the printer properties still showed that the printer was 'offline'.
1. The printer drivers have been installed
2. The printer has been working and printing fine prior to this issue.
Solution 1 (USB Connection):
This quickest solution (if it works) is to unplug the USB cable from the printer or the computer, whichever is the easiest to reach. Then after a few seconds, let's say 10 seconds to be safe, plug in the USB cable back in. If the drivers have been installed correctly then the computer should recognize the printer and it will switch from offline to connected!
Another version of this is to turn the printer off and…
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